How and when did the WSFB notify the County Farm Bureaus of a new agreement?

The WSFB AVP, Ron Saacke sent an email announcing the passage by the State Board of a new agreement on September 22 2023 and it became effective October 1st, 2023.  The email stated that signing this agreement would be necessary to remain a member with the WSFB.  In subsequent phone discussions, Mr. Saacke and our WSFB staff member assigned to our County stated that we may not be seated at the then upcoming WSFB Annual Convention if we did not sign and further that any non-signers would also be expelled from WSFB membership.  The Convention was held on November 14 -16th 2023 thus allowing County Farm Bureaus only 6-7 weeks to decide to capitulate or resist the unfair conditions.

Chaos and confusion reigned at the begining of the 2023 Annual Convention!

Thurston and Yakima/Klickitat Farm Bureaus resisted signing but were allowed into the Convention.  The Credentials Committee that assists in checking for delegate credentials recommended seating both unsigned County FBs with the suggestion that the issues get worked out by the time of the next year’s annual convention (November 2024).

However, from the floor, a delegate moved that was quickly seconded that Thurston and Yakima/Klickitat FBs be removed.  WSFB Leadership with literally no time allowed for discussion, called for a vote and the motion passed.

Immediately, chaos ensued on the delegate floor and a number of members rose in protest of the actions taken and there was a motion to re-consider.

After a vigorous discussion that lasted about one and a half hours, the delegate body (about 145 members) voted nearly unanimously to seat the Thurston and Yakima/Klickitat delegations.

What actions did the Yakima County Farm Bureau take to try to resolve this issue?

During the November 2023 Annual State Convention, members of the delegate body attempted to move for the WSFB Board to meet with the Council of County Presidents to work out a compromise with regards to the County/State FB agreement issue.  The State FB leadership incorrectly and in violation of the State FB by-laws quashed that motion.


More recently the Yakima board helped to develop an official resolution that called for the WSFB board and the county farm bureau presidents to meet and try to resolve the dispute.  The resolution was presented to the state board by the Skagit County Farm Bureau, but the state board declined to support it.


The Yakima Board also invited the state to enter a formal mediation process.  This offer has also been declined by the State Farm Bureau leadership.


It is the most sincere desire of the Yakima/Klickitat County Farm Bureau Board to remain in association with the Washington State Farm Bureau but that association must be built upon mutual respect of our County Farm Bureau and our grass roots responsibility to represent our members.  To that end, we are trying to resolve this matter.

How many County Farm Bureaus have signed the new agreement?

All the other County Farm Bureaus have signed, however there are a number of them who are not happy with the agreement and the treatment.

Why is the Yakima County Farm Bureau reluctant to sign when all the others have already?

A major reason is that our County Farm Bureau is arguably one of the most diligent in advocating for its members and the current agreement and the likely follow up language changes would cripple our ability to fulfill that crucial role.

Some background:  The current agreement that Yakima/Klickitat have with the WSFB has NO expiration clause and NO termination date.  It is currently in force and the State has to break it to suspend our FB.

Further, the new agreement has a termination clause that carries no penalties with respect to WSFB threatening a County FB going forward.

And, quite alarmingly, the new agreement has a clause that states that the County FBs agree by signing to automatically be forced to accept all future versions created by the WSFB or be ejected.

As an individual would you enter into a purchase contract (for instance, real estate or farm equipment) where the seller has right to change the terms at will and you have no say?

That’s absurd!

How will the suspension of the Yakima County Farm Bureau affect my individual membership?

Your individual membership with the State Farm Bureau will not end so long as you remain current with State FB dues.  Your access to the Safety Retro program as well as other State programs will continue.  Your membership with the Yakima County Farm bureau is at issue however because of the pending suspension.

We want to hear from you!

Please watch for the advisory vote ballot (in the mail) to help us in making our board’s decision in this serious matter!  Your voice is very important to us.

We highly recommend you click on the Yakima/Klickitat Advocacy button and review what your County Farm Bureau has advocated for in the recent past.

If you have questions of comments, please contact one of the Yakima/Klickitat County Farm Bureau officers or board members.  You can access that information by way of our web page labeled Contact Info or by clicking the button below.

This page will be updated periodically as more information becomes available.

You can reach the remainder of this web site by clicking on the “Home Button” below.

The board and officers of the Yakima/Klickitat County Farm Bureau sincerely thank you for your time and consideration!