The Washington Association of County Officials (WACO) decided to defeat the ability of land owners of small to medium parcels the benefit of Current Use taxation. YCFB lit a fire that spread rapidly with letters and phone calls (even from Irrigation Districts) and the house of cards imploded around the movement.
Letter from YCFB opposing first attempt to introduce Grizzly bears into the North Cascades. President Trump and a replacement Secretary of Interior stopped it. Unfortuanately, the Biden Admionistration is back at it again.
The Board refers to this document as the “book”. It is the YCFB comments on the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation EIS on opperating the dams on the Snake and Columbia Rivers.
The BLM is in the process of abandoning Permit Preference and Multiple Use in favor of allowing competitive bidding by Preservation Groups, this letter was submitted in the agency comment process by YCFB